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Section 2 Read the text below and answer Questions 15-21.
Respiratory Protective Equipment – advice for factory employees
You need to wear Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) when you’re doing work where you could breathe in hazardous substances in the air such as dust, vapour or gas. Common health effects from breathing hazardous substances include sore eyes and headaches. Make sure you are using the right RPE for the task. For example, negative pressure respirators should not be used in low oxygen environments.
Some types of RPE must have a tight seal around the facial area to be effective. Your employer will arrange a yearly facial fit test to ensure that you are given RPE that fits properly. This checks that the seal between the respirator and the facial area is secure, by releasing a substance that you can smell or taste if the RPE is not working properly. RPE will only provide effective protection if you are clean shaven. Facial hair growth makes it almost impossible to get a good seal so, if you have a beard, you should talk to your employer about other forms of RPE that do not rely on a tight facial fit. Jewellery and long hair can also compromise an effective fit.
Using your RPE You should complete a visual check of your RPE for signs of damage before you use it. If you are using RPE that requires a tight fit, you must check it fits properly before entering a hazardous area.
Cleaning your RPE Wash and dry your RPE after using it. Use a mild detergent, as harsh products such as solvents can cause damage. Use a brush and warm water and rinse with clean water. This will remove excess detergent that can cause skin irritation. Dry your RPE on a solid wooden rack or suspend from a clothes line.
Maintaining your RPE Inspect your RPE after each use and during cleaning. Make sure you check the straps for breaks, tears, fraying edges and deterioration of elasticity. Check the inhalation and exhalation valves are working and not damaged.
Storing your RPE Improper storage can cause distortion to your RPE. Store your RPE in a clean, dry plQGe, QWay from dust, oil and sunlight. RPE should be stored so that it doesn’t get crushed.
Read the text below and answer Questions 22-27.
Working with cows in a dairy Guidelines for employers
Slips and trips Slips and trips are one of the most common accidents when working in farm dairies. They often happen when working with cows in a dairy during milking, and during maintenance and cleaning.
The following three hazards make it more likely that employees will slip or trip: 1. Surfaces which are wet or dirty • Have a system for cleaning up milk, oil, cleaning fluid and grain spills as soon as it happen, and make sure it is followed. • Install non-slip mats in wet work areas and make sure that footwear is slip-resistant.
2. Obstacles such as pipes or cables in the farm dairy • Reduce tripping accidents by hanging hoses and pipes along walls out of people’s way and remove unused fittings, like bolt fasteners in floors. • Move obstacles from walkways and entrances where possible. Tripping hazards which cannot be removed should be clearly indicated with yellow tape. If there are obstacles overhead, these should be wrapped in padding to avoid risk of injury.
3. Steps which are too high or not deep enough, or steps in poorly lit areas • Build steps properly and use non-slip surfaces. • Handrails should also be fitted. • The provision of good lighting can also help to reduce the risk of injury.
Lifting and carrying The following tasks pose risks to dairy workers: • lifting buckets of grain, water and milk • lifting calves.
Managing the hazards • Balance the load by using two buckets, one in each hand. • Where possible, use trolleys and other mechanical aids to replace manual tasks.
Milking by hand Specific tasks in milking which cause injury are: • bending in an awkward position • putting on and removing milking equipment from cows.
Managing the hazards • Think about designing or changing the milking area so workers can change the height they are working at to suit them. Ensure that all equipment needed is close by to avoid workers having to overreach or adopt a bending position. • Alternate between jobs to reduce repetitious manual handling tasks, including a rotation between putting on and removing milking equipment.